Our readers open the newsletter
40% open rate is 2x industry average.
They read it
17% click rate is 6x industry average.
They love it
A 2017 survey showed 8.7/10 satisfaction rate. 33% gave it a 10/10.
And then they share it
82% have recommended it personally to their friends.
And want to be involved with us
75% of readers would want to attend a 730DC-branded event.
Paid advertising
Your ad can appear at the top of the newsletter right where all the action is. We offer two tiers of pricing with a minimum ad buy of one week.
In-kind partnerships
Offer our readers an exclusive discount to drive traffic to your events. We can also raffle off tickets to get people talking about what you have going on.
Media partnerships
For events that align with our brand, we can offer media partnerships to drive interest.
Got another idea?
Let's talk about it!
[email protected]